Wednesday, April 15, 2009

RadRob's 5'4" Mini-Nose Rider

1. Your Name:

2. Your Brand name: RadRob's radical surf creations

3. How did you hear about us?
I work here (Foam E-Z)

4. How was your initial experience at Foam E-Z? Absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!

5. Why did you want to build your own board? It's a cool experience to ride something you built.

6. Shape of finished board? mini noserider

7. Size of finished board: 5'-4" x 25 ¼" x 2 15/16"

8. What blank did you use? The new 5-10 RP (second)

9. How was your board building experience? It was great.I tried to get a little creative on the glass job this time.

10. Did you use videos, books, web, other? Not so much this time. I couldn't find a board quite like i wanted out there.

11. What videos, books, web, other did you use? I have watched the JC videos as well as the Master series.

12. Do you recommend these resources? For sure.

13. What do you wish you knew going into this project? I feel like I was pretty prepared for this one.

14. What would you recommend to someone else for their first time? Get as much information as possible before you start.

15. What tools did you find most useful? CF planer.Once you get comforterble with a power planer it makes the shaping experience much more enjoyable.

16. Where did you run into trouble? The giant nose concave.

17. What kind of fin system did you use? Glass-On single fin.

18. Did you glass the board and what was that experience like? Of course, the UV resin is awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rob make some of the strangest looking boards i've ever seen...but honest to god, i've owned like 3 of them, he sells them to me for next to nothing, and they are hands down the most fun and functional boards to ride. usually they're downright UGLY. but so good. props to radical for knowing how to make a mean shred sled.