1. Your Name: Davis Donnell
2. Your Brand name: DDonn Shapes
3. How did you hear about us? Can’t remember to tell you the truth. I live really close and always drive by on my way to work.
4. How was your initial experience at Foam E-Z? Excellent. The guys behind the counter were super willing to help!
5. Why did you want to build your own board? The experience and to have a killer retro board.
6. Shape of finished board? Think of a mix between a 70’s single fin and a modern single fin…
7. Size of finished board: Length 6’2” Width 19" Thickness 2.5"
8. What blank did you use? 6’5”A US Blanks Fish
9. How was your board building experience? Went smoother than I planned. Glassing was a PITA!!
10. Did you use videos, books, web, other? All web and the guys at Foam E-Z
11. Do you recommend these resources? Yea, I recommend looking more into glassing than I did if you plan on glassing yourself!
12. What do you wish you knew going into this project? How to properly cut the fiberglass to make it even.
13. What would you recommend to someone else for their first time? Have someone else glass it!
14. What tools did you find most useful? Surform without a doubt!
15. Where did you run into trouble? Glassing
16. What kind of fin system did you use and why? 10.5 in Fin Box. I wanted the option to change fins out and have a good time with it.
17. Did you glass the board and what was that experience like? Yup. Ugly.
18. Where did you shape and glass your board? My shed. Made a mess but was worth it.
19. What type of board do you want to make next? A 10’ Log
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